
HOA 3rd Quarter Newsletter

Hello, Neighbors;

Here is a brief compilation of events in your Berkshire-Yorkshire HOA for the period of July1-Sept 30.

Repairs/maintenance- nothing. Everything held together for this quarter.  Your Board of Directors is still awaiting word from our neighbor in Echohawk sub regarding the replacement of the common fence between them and our common area @ Falling Water/Trevino.

HOA website- In case you missed the prior email, your HOA has a NEW email address.  It is berkshire.yorkshire.hoa@gmail.com   You can also contact me at my personal email (eng11firechaser@yahoo.com) if you need immediate assistance.

CCR's- three violations were addressed, which were quickly corrected.

Property improvements- 1182 & 1164 N Falling Water Way just completed a joint fence reconstruction between their properties.  Looks good!

Bank statement- your checking acct (07/01/20-09/30/20)

BEGIN BAL      07/01/20                    $17006.72

DEPOSITS                                         $  2046.00

DEBITS                                              $    547.88

END BAL          09/30/20                    $18504.84

HOA assessments- There are still several of your neighbors whom have not yet paid their 2020 annual HOA assessment ($400.00).  There are now late penalties being added to the outstanding balance.  Please contact your HOA Treasurer (Melody Lockhart) to accomodate payment. This liability simply won't go away.

Eagle Water Company-  Your HOA is still at loggerheads with your domestic water supplier (Eagle Water Co.) over their billing practices to our four common area grass watering systems.  Your HOA made an astronomical water service payment to them this March (which would probably cover our water expense for the next calendar year).  The over-inflated billing statements continued, so I instructed your Treasurer to withhold any additional payments to them until they're willing to discuss this craziness with us.  Recently, a representative from EWC contacted your treasurer and stated that perhaps they "over-estimated" our water use (they haven't actually read our meters in person due to the "coronavirus mess").  Hopefully, they will square up their numbers and do us right.  More info to follow as it becomes available.

New neighbors-  Several home transactions are taking place on SevenOaks and Falling Water Way this summer/fall.  Please welcome your new neighbors  to the 'hood as they arrive.

Coronavirus- Covid 19 doesn't seem to be done with us yet.  As frustrating as it may seem, I urge you to continue giving your neighbors/friends/contacts the "face-space" we all need.  With a united front, we can beat this issue, but it gonna take everyone's part to do so.

That's it for now..... enjoy the coming fall season and prep for winter.  The "hood is looking good right now, and I sincerely appreciate the effort you all give.


Ben House

President, Berkshire-Yorkshire HOA

Your HOA Board of Directors

Ben House, President

Steve Bender, Vice-President

Melody Lockhart, Treasurer

Cheryl Tucker, Secretary

Chad Crocker, Jim Lockhart  ACC group

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HOA 2nd Quarter Newsletter

Hello neighbors,

Here is a brief compilation of events in your Berkshire-Yorkshire HOA for the period of April 1-June 30.

Repairs/maintenance- Minor repair to the moveable picnic table @ the common area of Falling Water/Trevino.  

The fence section in this common area will be replaced this summer, expenses to be shared equally between your HOA and the homeowner fronting on Echo Hawk.  

A request has been submitted by a homeowner for someone to clean the sprinkler water stains off of our HOA brick marquee.  Our landscape company is not equipped to do this maintenance, and couldn't refer us to anyone, so if any homeowner knows of a company that can perform this cleaning without damaging the structure, please let your board of directors know.

HOA website- In case you missed the prior email, the HOA has a NEW email address.  It is berkshire.yorkshire.hoa@gmail.com  You can also contact me direct at my personal email (eng11firechaser@yahoo.com) if you need immediate assistance.

CCR's- One violation was addressed, which was quickly corrected.

Property improvements- A home on Trevino was freshly painted this past month.  It looks great!!  A new mailbox was installed on Falling Water Way.

Several other backyard improvements are also on-going in our neighborhood.  THANK YOU  to those making improvements to first contact their HOA/ACC committee, so that all work is conducted "by the book" and neighbors stay happy with each other.

Bank statement- Our checking account  (4/1/20-6/30/20)

BEGIN BALANCE  04/01/2020                        $23,125.87

DEPOSITS                                                       $  1,350.00

DEBITS                                                            $  7,469.15

END BALANCE      06/30/2020                        $17,006.72

HOA assessment- Your treasurer indicates that there are 7 (seven) property owners whom have still NOT PAID their 2020 HOA assessments. Please check your financial records, and if you are one of these, please act to correct this situation as soon as possible.  As indicated in your CCR's,(article 6.7) there is a late fee of 1% per month (12% per annum) assessed for outstanding accounts.  If you have experienced financial hardship as a result of this pandemic, please contact your treasurer for a payment plan to be arranged.  

Eagle Water Company- No updated info available regarding Eagle Water Company vs City of Eagle vs Suez Water.  I think a court date for arguments for August is in the works.  

As for Eagle Water Company, they sent us an astronomical water bill last month for sprinklers on our four common areas in the 'hood. We are appealing this billing, as the amount of water use claimed by EWC would have turned us into "Lake Berkshire-Yorkshire".  Hopefully, this issue will be resolved within the next month.

New neighbors- One property has sold on N SevenOaks Place, and another is actively listed...….. please welcome our new neighbors to the 'hood as they arrive.

Coronavirus- I know that you're tired of hearing "coronavirus" everyday, but I urge you to continue due diligence in your close contacts with others, because the studies done by our local health authorities indicate this isn't over yet.  Stay safe out there!

That's all for now..... enjoy the summer season, and thank you for keeping your yards/properties looking nice..... we are proud of our little community here.


Ben House

President, Berkshire-Yorkshire HOA

Your HOA board of directors:

Ben House, President
Steve Bender, Vice-president
Melody Lockhart, Treasurer
Cheryl Tucker, Secretary
Chad Crocker, Jim Lockhart, 
Devin Young  ACC committee

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HOA 1st Quarter Newsletter

Hello, neighbors;

 Here is a brief compilation of events in your Berkshire-Yorkshire HOA for the period of January 1-March 31.

Repairs/Maintenance- Very quiet in the neighborhood.  All of our streetlights/marquee lights stayed operational and street drainage worked as expected during this winter quarter.

HOA website: Thanks to Cheryl Tucker, The CCR's are once again fully accessible on your HOA website. (www.berkshire-yorkshirehoa.org)

CCR's:  There was one CCR violation which was quickly corrected.

Bank statement- Our checking acct (1/1/2020-03/31/2020)

BEGIN BAL  01/01/2020                    $11,792.16

DEPOSITS                                         $12,049.67

DEBITS                                              $    -715.96  

ENDING BAL 03/31/2020                  $23,125.87

HOA Assessment- Your 2020 Berkshire-Yorkshire annual assessment ($400.00) became delinquent February 28, and now incur a penalty of 1% per month.  Please check your financial records, and if you are in arrears, please correct this ASAP, as outstanding balances create havoc for our treasurer.

Sale of Eagle Water Company- This issue is still tied up in the court litigation system.  I believe a Judge will be reviewing the case this summer.

Corona virus: This unexpected event has steamrolled the world in a way that no one could have anticipated.  I strongly urge all my neighbors to adhere to and follow the edicts of our state leaders and medical professionals as a united front is an absolute necessity.  This is not a hoax or a political ploy. Yes, it is an inconvenience and sacrifice that affects EVERYONE in our state (and beyond), but, stay home.......kill your neighbors with kindness, not with a virus.  I certainly want to see our WINTER neighbors as SUMMER neighbors.  Take care of yourself.


Ben House

President, Berkshire-Yorkshire HOA 


Your HOA board of directors:

Ben House, President

Steve Bender, Vice-President

Melody Lockhart, Treasurer

Cheryl Tucker, Secretary

Chad Crocker, Jim Lockhart, Devon Young

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Annual HOA Meeting


  • Call to order December 4, 7:00 pm, Seven Oaks Elementary School

  • Attendance: Steve & Carolyn Bender, Cheryl & Rob Tucker, Devin & Audrey Young, Jere Webb, John & Mary Goriup, Bill Overton, Jeff & Charlotte Bohlin, Duane Mathes, Dave Vittoe, Melody Lockhart, Ben & Kathy House

  • Review of 2018 HOA annual meeting minutes. Approved as presented

  • Financial report for 2019 operations passed out by Treasurer. Discussed and approved as presented

  • THANK YOU to all who helped install the HOA tree/marquee lights on November 30th!

  • Hard copies of HOA CCR's were made available to anyone needing them.

  • Brief discussion about roof solar panels on individual homes. Call to discuss before you build.

  • The continuing issues your HOA is having with the CCR's accessibility on our website was discussed at length. This will be addressed with the new website.

  • 2019 HOA officers were nominated and voted on as follows:

  • President - Ben House

  • Vice-president - Steve Bender

  • Treasurer - Melody Lockhart

  • Secretary - Cheryl Tucker

  • ACC - Jim Lockhart, Chad Crocker, Devin Young

  • Discussion on how to react to the potential neighborhood impact of the open 20 acres of land to the south of our subdivision . . . too many unknowns at this time to formulate a course of action.

  • President indicated that the HOA 4th quarter newsletter would be available (on website) about December 30th.

  • Our new secretary, Cheryl Tucker, has experience working with websites . . . she will revise our website and get it functioning.

  • Anticipated additional expenses for 2020- Potential diseased tree removal on N Seven Oaks Pl next summer.

  • Request from your President to continue to abide by the neighborhood CCR's to insure the continued livability and “lovability” of our little world, here. 

  • Meeting adjourned @ 7:40 pm.


Ben House, President

Steve Bender, Vice-president elect

Melody Lockhart, Treasurer

Cheryl Tucker, Secretary elect

ACC- Jim Lockhart, Chad Crocker, Devin Young 

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