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HOA 3rd Quarter Newsletter

Hello, Neighbors;

Here is a brief compilation of events in your Berkshire-Yorkshire HOA for the period of July1-Sept 30.

Repairs/maintenance- nothing. Everything held together for this quarter.  Your Board of Directors is still awaiting word from our neighbor in Echohawk sub regarding the replacement of the common fence between them and our common area @ Falling Water/Trevino.

HOA website- In case you missed the prior email, your HOA has a NEW email address.  It is   You can also contact me at my personal email ( if you need immediate assistance.

CCR's- three violations were addressed, which were quickly corrected.

Property improvements- 1182 & 1164 N Falling Water Way just completed a joint fence reconstruction between their properties.  Looks good!

Bank statement- your checking acct (07/01/20-09/30/20)

BEGIN BAL      07/01/20                    $17006.72

DEPOSITS                                         $  2046.00

DEBITS                                              $    547.88

END BAL          09/30/20                    $18504.84

HOA assessments- There are still several of your neighbors whom have not yet paid their 2020 annual HOA assessment ($400.00).  There are now late penalties being added to the outstanding balance.  Please contact your HOA Treasurer (Melody Lockhart) to accomodate payment. This liability simply won't go away.

Eagle Water Company-  Your HOA is still at loggerheads with your domestic water supplier (Eagle Water Co.) over their billing practices to our four common area grass watering systems.  Your HOA made an astronomical water service payment to them this March (which would probably cover our water expense for the next calendar year).  The over-inflated billing statements continued, so I instructed your Treasurer to withhold any additional payments to them until they're willing to discuss this craziness with us.  Recently, a representative from EWC contacted your treasurer and stated that perhaps they "over-estimated" our water use (they haven't actually read our meters in person due to the "coronavirus mess").  Hopefully, they will square up their numbers and do us right.  More info to follow as it becomes available.

New neighbors-  Several home transactions are taking place on SevenOaks and Falling Water Way this summer/fall.  Please welcome your new neighbors  to the 'hood as they arrive.

Coronavirus- Covid 19 doesn't seem to be done with us yet.  As frustrating as it may seem, I urge you to continue giving your neighbors/friends/contacts the "face-space" we all need.  With a united front, we can beat this issue, but it gonna take everyone's part to do so.

That's it for now..... enjoy the coming fall season and prep for winter.  The "hood is looking good right now, and I sincerely appreciate the effort you all give.


Ben House

President, Berkshire-Yorkshire HOA

Your HOA Board of Directors

Ben House, President

Steve Bender, Vice-President

Melody Lockhart, Treasurer

Cheryl Tucker, Secretary

Chad Crocker, Jim Lockhart  ACC group

July 1

HOA 2nd Quarter Newsletter