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Annual HOA Meeting


  • Call to order December 4, 7:00 pm, Seven Oaks Elementary School

  • Attendance: Steve & Carolyn Bender, Cheryl & Rob Tucker, Devin & Audrey Young, Jere Webb, John & Mary Goriup, Bill Overton, Jeff & Charlotte Bohlin, Duane Mathes, Dave Vittoe, Melody Lockhart, Ben & Kathy House

  • Review of 2018 HOA annual meeting minutes. Approved as presented

  • Financial report for 2019 operations passed out by Treasurer. Discussed and approved as presented

  • THANK YOU to all who helped install the HOA tree/marquee lights on November 30th!

  • Hard copies of HOA CCR's were made available to anyone needing them.

  • Brief discussion about roof solar panels on individual homes. Call to discuss before you build.

  • The continuing issues your HOA is having with the CCR's accessibility on our website was discussed at length. This will be addressed with the new website.

  • 2019 HOA officers were nominated and voted on as follows:

  • President - Ben House

  • Vice-president - Steve Bender

  • Treasurer - Melody Lockhart

  • Secretary - Cheryl Tucker

  • ACC - Jim Lockhart, Chad Crocker, Devin Young

  • Discussion on how to react to the potential neighborhood impact of the open 20 acres of land to the south of our subdivision . . . too many unknowns at this time to formulate a course of action.

  • President indicated that the HOA 4th quarter newsletter would be available (on website) about December 30th.

  • Our new secretary, Cheryl Tucker, has experience working with websites . . . she will revise our website and get it functioning.

  • Anticipated additional expenses for 2020- Potential diseased tree removal on N Seven Oaks Pl next summer.

  • Request from your President to continue to abide by the neighborhood CCR's to insure the continued livability and “lovability” of our little world, here. 

  • Meeting adjourned @ 7:40 pm.


Ben House, President

Steve Bender, Vice-president elect

Melody Lockhart, Treasurer

Cheryl Tucker, Secretary elect

ACC- Jim Lockhart, Chad Crocker, Devin Young 

March 31

HOA 1st Quarter Newsletter